Dental claim settlement – Failure to diagnose and treat gum disease
A great result today for a Southampton, based dental claim client. £7000 in compensation (out of court) for his dentist failing to...

No justice for Yorkshire dental patient.
Mr S was treated by a dentist in Yorkshire for wrongful extraction of two upper teeth. The claim was quite straightforward -or so I...

Dental claims and the GDC - Improving access to justice?
Did you know that until quite recently the General Dental Council (GDC) made the addresses of all registered dentists freely available...

Dental claim settlement – Inferior Alveolar Nerve injury during wisdom tooth extraction
A great result today for a Lancashire based dental claim client. £5000 in settlement compensation for causing a nerve injury during a...

Recording dental consultations? There could be an easier way....
In a recent article written by Leo Briggs who is deputy head of the Dental Defence Union www.theddu.com he explores the increase in...

Stressed? Don't become a Solicitor...
The Lawgazette (24 April 2017) writes that one in four junior lawyers suffer from "severe" stress levels at work and that more than 90%...