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dental claim court documents

Dental Claim Time Limits

Generally, in dental claims, court proceedings must be issued within 3 years of the date of your dental-injury.  


Failure to comply with this 3 year rule would mean that you would be statute barred from bringing any dental negligence claim.  This is known as limitation.  


There are however some exceptions to this rule, and the most common exception cited in dental negligence claims is the “date of knowledge” rule.  When this rule is applied, the 3 year limitation rule only begins to run from the date that you discovered that the treatment provided by your dentist was substandard, this gives some dental patients the opportunity to bring a dental claim after the usual 3 year rule has expired.


It is therefore crucial that you contact me as soon as possible so that I can assess your limitation date, and advise you accordingly upon the merits of your dental negligence claim.


Contact me for further advice on your dental claim on 01694 722 134 (Alex -direct dial)

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