Dental claim settlement - Wrongful wisdom tooth removal and inferior alveolar nerve injury
A great result today for dental claim client based in Surrey against their dentist for wrongful extraction of a wisdom tooth in breach of the NICE guidelines and for causing inferior alveolar nerve damage at the same time. £5000 settlement.

My client suffered a nerve injury leading to a loss of sensation affecting the teeth around LL5 to LR3.
Some of the allegations in the letter of claim included that fact that the dentist extracted the LL8 wisdom tooth in breach of the NICE guidelines as the tooth was not causing any pain and was not grossly carious; By chasing the apical half of the LL8 during the operation transected the IAN; Failed to offer the claimant immediate referral to a specialist for investigation; Failed to offer alternative treatment methods such as coronectomy; Failed to tell the claimant of the presence of a retained root at LL8.
Settlement was negotiated with the defence organisation out of Court.